I actually fell into this genre by accident. It was really interesting, because I had to teach my eyes to look at the subject, lighting and composition in a different way. These structures are all designed and built by BPAS, an Architectural and Interior Design Company. They don’t only specialize in ‘high end’ homes, but also Homing Complex, Business and Warehouse structures. To have a look at their brilliant work, visit www.bpas.co.za.
Not only is this couple my “SA Wedding Show Competition” winners, but their journey till this day is one to make a movie of. It is so easy to see why they love each other so much, they truly are a match made in heaven. Even though the weather was cold and wet, their day was filled with cosy venues and warm love from 150 friends and family members. I wish this couple all the luck and love entering this new chapter and soon two will become three.